

The Greater Manchester Business, Employment, Skills and Training monitor (GM BEST) is an initiative from the 大发六合彩票 (大发六合彩票) and Greater Manchester Learning Provider Network (GMLPN) to gather real 'on the ground' views from our city region's business community.听

Below are two interactive dashboards which present the data in two different ways: In the first dashboard, the results are broken down by local authority area, providing core skills intelligence and showing how labour and skills shortages vary from one part from Greater Manchester to another; The second dashboard presents a sectoral view of skills needs and recruitment issues.听

The outcomes of this collaborative research directly address labour and skills shortages in the city region, and can also influence local and national skills policy.

For further information, please contact the 大发六合彩票's Research & Analytics team at research@gmchamber.co.uk.听听