
大发六合彩票 Excellence Awards

大发六合彩票 is proud to announce the return of the 大发六合彩票 Excellence Awards, sponsored by

As an integral part of the Greater Manchester business community, the Chamber launched these awards to recognise the contribution and success of member organisations across all ten boroughs of Greater Manchester.听

The 大发六合彩票 Excellence Awards will showcase and celebratebusiness achievements and resilience, highlighting businesses, leaders and teams who have demonstrated success within their industries and communities in Greater Manchester.听

Applications are now open, This year's categories are:

Global Star听

This accolade recognises businesses engaged in international trade (goods and/or services), which may encompass successfully diversifying your global supply chain, increasing your export sales and/or or establishing a presence across borders.听 听If you are a trader who has experienced growth in any of these, we want to hear from you!

Sustainability Solution of the Year - Sponsored by

This award acknowledges businesses that have taken significant steps to implement sustainable practices or solutions. This could involve initiatives to reduce carbon footprint, minimise waste, promote renewable energy, inspire staff and the wider community towards sustainability efforts.

Growth Award听

This award celebrates businesses that have experienced remarkable growth in various aspects such as revenue, market share, services, staff numbers or opened new offices. Notable achievements could include impressive sales figures, successful product launches, or strategic acquisitions contributing to expansion, and implemented new services.

Best Marketing Campaign听

This accolade recognises businesses that have executed outstanding marketing campaigns effectively engaging their target audience and yielding tangible results. This could include creative advertising, social media campaigns, partnerships, or innovative promotional strategies.

Innovator of the Year -

This award honours businesses that have demonstrated a commitment to innovation through the development of ground-breaking products, services, technologies, or processes.

Small Business of the Year (1-50 employees) - Sponsored by

Celebrating small businesses that have achieved notable success and growth despite their size. This could include examples of innovative business models, exceptional customer service, contributions to the local community, internal initiatives, growth plans, and impact on employees.

Medium Business of the Year (50-100 employees)听

Recognising medium-sized businesses that have demonstrated excellence in their industry, showing significant growth and impact. This could include examples of successful expansion, employee development programmes, or effective management practices.

Large Business of the Year (100 employees +)听

Acknowledging large businesses that have achieved outstanding success and made significant contributions to their industry and community. Examples could include corporate social responsibility initiatives, diversity and inclusion efforts, or technological advancements.

Employer of the Year -听

Recognising businesses that prioritise the well-being and development of their employees, providing a positive and supportive work environment. Examples may include employee benefits, training programmes, career advancement opportunities, community projects, or employee satisfaction surveys.

Charity Business of the Year (Registered Charities Only)听

Celebrating charities demonstrating exceptional commitment to supporting charitable causes and making a positive impact on society. Examples could include fundraising efforts, volunteer programmes, or partnerships with charitable organisations.

People and Community Awards听

Recognising businesses making significant contributions to business and local communities, minority groups, setting up initiatives to support individuals, communities, or businesses. Implementing charitable causes and making a meaningful difference. This could by volunteering your time, mentoring, setting up support groups, setting up networks and partnerships. #

Click here to download the application form

Click here to view the FAQs

Join us at the celebration lunch where finalists will gather together and the lucky winners will be announced - Click here to book your place

Contact Us - If you have any questions about the awards, or you need any further information about the events or sponsorship opportunities, please contact either Lea-Anne Gardner via lea-anne.gardner@gmchamber.co.uk

Thank you for your interest in the 大发六合彩票 Excellence Awards and we wish you the best of luck!