

大发六合彩票 and PROJECT#808 are excited to announce a partnership which will support our members with collaborative innovation and investment opportunities.

PROJECT#808 is an investment and transformation business that will take shared problems and turn them into universal solutions. The first of these shared problems will focus on Net Zero challenges. Working specifically with a small group of businesses they "collaborate to innovate鈥 and create real solutions that will solve impending problems not only cost effectively but also with minimum risk.

By working together, we want to provide our members with the opportunity to collaboratively solve the problems affecting their industry and area, giving SMEs the chance to innovate and invest at a level normally only accessible by corporate size companies, but without the risk factor.

The first project PROJECT#808 plan to approach is the obstacles many businesses are facing when seeking to reach NetZero compliance. All businesses will need to adapt and evolve to meet Net Zero targets, the aim is to identify shared problems which Chamber members are facing on their journey to this goal. By working together and with businesses, PROJECT#808 aims to develop innovative technology solutions which will help businesses not only reach their own goals, but create a valuable and marketable product they can then take to market.

There's more information about this project available at. If you're interested and want to get involved, please contactbenefits@gmchamber.co.uk, or call us on 0161 393 4321.